
邮 箱zhangbaocai@xmu.edu.cn

地 址厦门大学翔安校区航空航天大楼267




2023.08 -2024.08, 新加坡国立大学,设计与工程学院机械工程系,博士联合培养

2020.09 -2024.06, 上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,博士

2017.09-2020.06, 山东大学,机械工程学院,硕士

2013.09.-2017.06, 山东大学,机械工程学院,学士






  • 每年招收硕士研究生1-2

  • 欢迎具有机械、仪器、材料、自动化等专业背景的同学推免和报考本团队的研究生(成果突出者可推荐至上海交通大学机动学院、新加坡国立大学机械工程系进行深造)

  • 欢迎本科生同学加入团队开展科研、创新工作。(表现优异者可推荐至上海交通大学机动学院、新加坡国立大学机械工程系进行深造)


[1] Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology(ISAAT 2022)优秀会议论文(本届会议仅四篇入选)

[2] 2023年国家留学基金委公派留学——新加坡国立大学

[3] 9th International Conference on High Speed and Hybrid Machining (ICHSHM 2021) 会议贡献奖。

[4] 上海市优秀毕业生

[5] 上海交通大学睿远-红杉人才发展基金



[1] Baocai Zhang*, Xiayu Wang, Neng Jiang, Jun Tang, Fanghong Sun, Xinchang Wang*. Theoretical finishing size limitation and failure mechanism of viscoelastic abrasive media on micro-hole structure [J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2025, 35: 2755-2770. (JCR Q1, IF=6.2,材料研究与加工领域top期刊,工作以来第一篇期刊)

[2] Baocai Zhang, Sufang Shi, Xiayu Wang, Xinchang Wang*. Investigation on finishing mechanism and modelling on material removal for abrasive flow machining micro-channels with asperity surface [J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2023, 321, 118157. (JCR Q1IF=6.7,除IJMTM外加工制造领域顶刊)

[3] Baocai Zhang, Sufang Shi, Xiayu Wang, Xinchang Wang*. Machinability and mechanism of abrasive flow machining ultra-precision ground surface with orientated grinding marks [J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 27: 4787-4800. (JCR Q1IF=6.4材料研究与加工领域top期刊)

[4] Baocai Zhang, Shifei Chen, and Xinchang Wang*. Machining Uniformity and Property Change of Abrasive Media for Micro-porous Structures [J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 307 (2022): 117675. ((JCR Q1IF=6.7,除IJMTM外加工制造领域顶刊)

[5] Baocai Zhang, Xinchang Wang*, Xiujie Jia. Research on the mechanism of molten salt cleaning (MSC) for multiple contaminants in cylinder covers [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 302: 126990. ((JCR Q1、中科院1topIF=11.1,清洁生产方向顶刊)

[6] Baocai Zhang, Xinchang Wang*, Shifei Chen, Sufang Shi. Theoretical analysis of finishing mechanism based on rheological properties and flow behaviors of abrasive media in micro-porous structures [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023, 99: 513-526 ((JCR Q1,中科院1TopIF=6.2,仅次于IJMTMJMPT的制造领域期刊)

[7] Baocai Zhang, Yu Qiao, Nasim Khiabani, Xinchang Wang*. Study on rheological behaviors of media and material removal mechanism for abrasive flow machining (AFM) micro structures and corresponding simulations [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2022, 73: 248-259. (JCR Q1,中科院1TopIF=6.2,仅次于IJMTMJMPT的制造领域期刊)

[8] Baocai Zhang, Shifei Chen, Nasim Khiabani, Yu Qiao, Xinchang Wang*. Research on the underlying mechanism behind abrasive flow machining on micro-slit structures and simulation of viscoelastic media [J]. Advances in Manufacturing, 10(2022): 382–396. (中科院2区,IF=5.2)

[9] Xinchang Wang*, Baocai Zhang, Yu Qiao, Fanghong Sun. Chemo-mechanical abrasive flow machining (CM-AFM): A novel high-efficient technique for polishing diamond thin coatings on inner hole surfaces. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 69: 152-164. (JCR Q1,中科院1TopIF=6.2,仅次于IJMTMJMPT的制造领域期刊)

[10] Baocai Zhang, Xinchang Wang*. Rheological behaviors of abrasive media and theoretical analysis on finishing mechanism for spray nozzles. Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology (ISAAT 2022), Guangzhou, China. (优秀会议论文,仅四篇入选)

[11] Baocai Zhang, Xinchang Wang*. Research on the machinability and mechanism of abrasive flow machining ultra-precision surface with orientated grinding marks. The 17th China-Japan International Conference on Ultra-precision Machining Process (CJUMP 2023), Hong Kong, China.

[12] 张保财,王新昶*. 针对微细结构加工磨料介质特性及流动仿真研究. 第二十一届中国磨粒技术学术会议(CCAT 2021),2021年11月,辽宁·大连。

[13] Xinchang Wang*, Yu Qiao, Baocai Zhang, Fanghong Sun. Influences of Si dopant on geometry and energetic stability of terminated diamond (111)-1×1 surfaces. Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, 109: 108014. (2区,IF=4.1)


1. 高性能国家重点实验室开放课题,HPMKF202409,功能微孔阵列磨料流光整机理与稳定光整研究,2024.10-2025.10,在研,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52175423,微波等离子体化学气相沉积金刚石涂层高钴硬质合金微细刀具低温制备及应用基础研究,2022.01-2025.12,在研,参与,项目骨干

3. 上海市自然科学基金,22ZR1433200,微细结构磨料流加工极限、机理及工艺研究,2022.04-2025.03,在研,参与,项目骨干

4. JW科技委GF科技创新特区火花课题(******) 应用于******的高浓度NV色心金刚石制备机理及工艺研究,2020.11-2021.11,结题,参与,项目骨干

5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,51705320,复杂形状表面金刚石薄膜加热辅助化学机械复合磨料流抛光机理及工艺研究,2018.10-2020.12,结题,参与,项目骨干


   International Journal of Mechanical Science、Chinese Journal of Aeronautics、Journal of Manufacturing Processes、Journal of Materials Processing Technology、Advances in Manufacturing、Tribology International、Wear、International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials等国际知名期刊审稿人。

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