
邮 箱rzhou2[AT]xmu.edu.cn

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2009—2014  新加坡国立大学工程学院化学工程专业研究生学习(辅修技术管理),获哲学博士学位(全额奖学金)。(2011.10—2013.11于新加坡国家太阳能研究院OPV研发部)

2007—2009  美国北卡州立大学工程学院化学工程专业研究生学习,获理学硕士学位(全额奖学金)。(期间任助教、研究助理,University Diversity Award得主)

2003—2007  浙江大学材料与化学工程学院高分子材料与工程专业学习(2005.09—2007.06于竺可桢学院创新与创业管理强化班学习),获工学学士学位(优秀毕业生)。(2006.07—2006.08于英国伦敦大学玛丽女皇学院材料研究中心访问交流;2006.12—2007.02于埃森哲有限公司实习)





14. 激光微透镜阵列光刻技术及装备开发;

13. 基于双光束和微球光学增强耦合的激光诱导微纳跨尺度壁膜成形及原位分离机理研究;

12. 半导体精密封装模具干冰绿色清洗及耗材制造装备研制;

11. 刺绣、针织及缝制设备制造过程中的除锈技术开发;

10. 硅基光伏电池的激光再制造装备技术;

9. 多尺度异形截面微通道复合加工成形及制氢作用机理研究;

8. 轨道交通牵引动力装备关键零部件高效运维技术研究;

7. 双脉冲激光制备有序封闭式微纳复合结构表面及其防冰/疏冰性能研究;

6. 基于自动化烧结智能生产线制备的石墨烯复合活性炭棒滤芯;

5. 基于氧化石墨烯的超结构复合材料的脉冲激光烧蚀合成及光限幅增强机理研究;

4. 基于驾驶行为深度学习的光学检测系统设计与集成;

3. 超衍射光场与介质相互作用的机理研究;

2. 基于激光微纳米加工的表面浸润性调控;

1. 机器人辅助激光清洗技术。


担任《光电工程》编委以及《Coatings》主题编委,《光电工程》“激光微纳加工”专题特邀组稿人、《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学》“激光先进制造”专题特邀组稿人以及《Proceedings of SPIE》“9th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Subdiffraction-limited Plasmonic Lithography and Innovative Manufacturing Technology》(Vol. 10842)“专辑学术编辑等:

40. Zhou R.*, Hong M. H., Laser Cleaning of Contaminated Substrate Surfaces. In: Sugioka K. (eds) Handbook of Laser Micro- and Nano-Engineering (10.1007/978-3-319-69537-2_37-1),斯普林格(Springer, Cham),2020.

39. 成炘儒, 周锐*, 祝青园, 王凌云, 颜黄苹, 李展,《高等教育教学实践探索:厦门大学解决方案》(第四篇创新创业教育与实践教学:338-350页),厦门大学出版社,2020.

38. 赖俊金#, 周锐*#, 颜黄苹, 崔景芹, 陈哲堃, 激光熔覆氧化铝涂层的管式铜网油水分离性能研究(Laser cladding of alumina coating on copper mesh for enhanced tubular oil-water separation performance)(在线发表), 光子学报(Acta Photonica Sinica, 2021. (https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/61.1235.o4.20210721.0847.002.html)

37. Chen Z. B.#, Zhou R.*#, Cui J. Q., Yan H. P., and Li L. F., Fabrication of fluorescent carbon dots by laser ablation in alkaline solution coupled with Ag nanoparticles for enhanced SERS(在线发表), MRS Communications, 2021, 11(4): 489-497. (10.1557/s43579-021-00060-w)

36. 尹元朝#, 周锐*#, 颜黄苹, 陈志斌, 李龙凡, 崔景芹, Ag负载TiO2多层结构的激光-水热复合加工(Synthesis of Ag-loaded TiO2 multiscale structure by coupling underwater laser ablation with hydrothermal treatment, 科学通报(Chinese Science Bulletin, 2020, 65(34): 3944-3953. (10.1360/TB-2020-0301)

35. Chen L. W., Zhou Y., Zhou R., Hong M. H.*, Microsphere—Toward future of optical microscopes, iScience, 2020, 23(6): 101211. (10.1016/j.isci.2020.101211)

34. Liu M. Y.#, Zhou R.*#, Chen Z. K., Yan H. P., Cui J. Q., Liu W. S., Pan J. H., Hong M. H.*, Tunable hierarchical nanostructures on micro-conical arrays of laser textured TC4 substrate by hydrothermal treatment for enhanced anti-icing property, Coatings, 2020, 10(5): 450. (10.3390/coatings10050450)

33. Zhou R.*, Zhang Z.*, Hong M. H.*, The art of laser ablation in aeroengine: The crown jewel of modern industry, Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 127(8): 080902. (10.1063/1.5134813)

32. 周锐*,张姿*,洪明辉*,激光微加工在航空发动机MRO中的应用,中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 2020, 50(3): 034202. (10.1360/SSPMA-2019-0224)

31. 颜黄苹*,陈子露,何鑫,张可欣,沈思鸿,王志刚,周锐,激光微织构泡沫铜的氧化铜纳米线制备及其光催化性能研究,中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 2020, 50(3): 034209. (10.1360/SSPMA-2019-0239)

30. Zhou R.*#, Yin Y. C.#, Long D., Cui J. Q., Yan H. P., Liu W. S., Pan J. H.*, PVP-assisted laser ablation growth of Ag nanocubes anchored on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) for efficient photocatalytic CO2 reduction, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2019, 29(6): 660-666. (10.1016/j.pnsc.2019.11.001)

29. Zhang W. Q., Wang Z. Y.*, Xie C., Wang X. W., Luo F. F., Hong M. H., Zhou R., Ma C., Lin N., Zhang J. Y., Hu X. F.*, Jerry Chan K. Y., Wen F.* and Wang Y. B., Scaffold with micro/macro-architecture for myocardial alignment engineering into complex 3D cell patterns, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2019, 8(22): 1901015. (10.1002/adhm.201901015)

28. Xu K. C., Zhou R., Takei K.*, and Hong M. H.*, Toward flexible surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensors for point-of-care diagnostics, Advanced Science, 2019, 6: 1900925. (10.1002/advs.201900925)

27. Yan H. P.*, Xiao X., Chen Z. L., Chen Y. S., Zhou R., Wang Z. G., Hong M. H., Realization of adhesion enhancement of CuO nanowires growth on copper substrate by laser texturing, Optics and Laser Technology, 2019, 119: 105612. (10.1016/j.optlastec.2019.105612)

26. Zhou R.*, Shen F., Cui J. Q.*, Zhang Y. G., Yan H. P., Segovia Sanchez J. C., Electrophoretic deposition of graphene oxide on laser-ablated copper mesh for enhanced oil/water separation, Coatings, 2019, 9(3), 157: 1-12. (10.3390/coatings9030157)

25. Khew S. Y., Tan C. F., Yan H. P., Lin S. D., Thian E. S., Zhou R., Hong M. H.*, Nanosecond laser ablation for enhanced adhesion of CuO nanowires on copper substrate and its application for oil-water separation, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 465: 995-1002. (10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.09.256)

24. Zheng W. M., Zhou R.*, Zhang Z. M, Zhong Y. H., Wang S. R., Wei Z., Ji H. P., Understanding the tourist mobility using GPS: How similar are the tourists? Tourism Management, 2019, 71: 54-66. (10.1016/j.tourman.2018.09.019)

23. Zhou R.*, Lin S. D., Ding Y., Yang H., Ong Y K K., Hong M. H.*, Enhancement of laser ablation via interacting spatial doublepulse effect, Opto-Electronic Advances, 2018, 1(8): 180014. (Cover, 10.29026/oea.2018.180014)

22. Zhou R.*, Huang T. T., Lu Y. Y. and Hong M. H.*, Tunable coloring via post-thermal annealing of laser-processed metal surface, Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(10): 1716. (10.3390/app8101716)

21. Zhou R.*, Lin S. D., Shen F., Khew S. Y., Hong M. H.*, A universal copper mesh with on-demand wettability fabricated by pulsed laser ablation for oil/water separation, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2018, 348C: 73-80. (10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.05.035)

20. Wang Z. Y.*, Zhou R., Wen F., Zhang R. K., Ren L., Teoh S. H., and Hong M. H.*, Reliable laser fabrication: the quest for responsive biomaterials surface, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6(22): 3612-3631. (10.1039/c7tb02545a)

19. Feng W., Huang T. T., Gao L. Q., Yang X. F., Deng W. B., Zhou R.*, and Liu H. J.*, Textile-supported silver nanoparticles as a highly efficient and recyclable heterogeneous catalyst for nitroaromatic reduction at room temperature, RSC Advances, 2018, 8(12): 6288-6292. (10.1039/c7ra13257c)

18. Huang T. T., Zhou R.*, Cui J. Q., Zhang J., Tang X. S., Chen S., Feng J. J., and Liu H. J.*, Fast and cost-effective preparation of antimicrobial zinc oxide embedded in activated carbon composite for water purification applications, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 206: 124-129. (10.1016/j.matchemphys.2017.11.044)

17. Zhou R.*, Lin S. D., Zong H. X., Huang T. T., Li F. P., Pan J. H., and Cui J. Q., Continuous synthesis of Ag/TiO2 nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic activity by pulsed laser ablation, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2017, 2017: 4604159. (10.1155/2017/4604159)

16. Zhou R.*, Huang T. T., Chen L. J., Chen S. J., Lin S. D., and Zhuo Y., Electroless deposition of confined copper layers based on selective activation by pulsed laser irradiation, Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 2017, 12(2): 169-175. (10.2961/jlmn.2017.02.0021)

15. Lu X. Z.*, Jiang F., Lei T.-P., Zhou R., Zhang C. T., Zheng G. F., Wen Q.-L., and Chen Z.*, Laser-induced-plasma-assisted ablation and metallization on c-plane single crystal sapphire (c-Al2O3), Micromachines, 2017, 8(10): 300. (10.3390/mi8100300)

14. 周锐*#, 吴梦雪#, 沈飞, 洪明辉*. 基于近场光学的微球超分辨显微效应. 物理学报, 2017, 66(14): 140702. (10.7498/aps.66.140702)Zhou R.*#, Wu M. X.#, Shen F., and Hong M. H.*, Super-resolution microscopic effect of microsphere based on the near-field optics (in Chinese), Acta Physica Sinica, 2017, 66(14): 140702.

13. Li X. G.*, Huang T. T., Chong A. W, Zhou R., Sang C. Y, and Hong M. H.*, Laser cleaning of steel structure surface for paint re-moval and repaint adhesion[J], Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(3): 340-344. (10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.03.009)

12. Zhou R.*, Lu X. Z., Lin S. D., and Huang T. T., Laser texturing of NiTi alloy with enhanced bioactivity for stem cell growth and alignment, Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 2017, 12(1): 22-27. (10.2961/jlmn.2017.01.0005)

11. 周锐*#,李峰平#, 纳米颗粒的短脉冲激光烧蚀制备及其非线性光学应用, 光电工程, 2017, 44(2): 172-184. (10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.02.000) (Zhou R.*#, Li F. P.#, Synthesis of nanoparticles by short pulsed laser ablation and its applications in nonlinear optics[J] (in Chinese), Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(2): 172-184.)

10. 周锐#, 李峰平#, 洪明辉*, 激光与物质相互作用及其精密工程应用, 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 2017, 47(2): 024201, (10.1360/SSPMA2016-00213) (Zhou R.#, Li F. P.#, and Hong M. H.*, Laser interaction with materials and its applications in precision engineering (in Chinese), Sci Sin-Phys Mech Astron, 2017, 47: 024201.)

9. Xu K. C.#, Zhang C. T.#, Lu T. H., Wang P. Q., Zhou R., Ji R.*, and Hong M. H.*, Hybrid metal-insulator-metal structures on Si nanowires array for surface enhanced Raman scattering[J], Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(2): 185-191. (10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.02.006)

8. Xu K. C.#, Zhang C. T.#, Zhou R., Ji R., and Hong M. H.*, Hybrid micro/nano-structure formation by angular laser texturing of Si surface for surface enhanced Raman scattering, Optics Express, 2016, 24(10): 10352-10358. (10.1364/OE.24.010352)

7. Du Z. R., Zhang C. T., Li F. P., Zhou R.*, and Hong M. H.*, Impact of laser-induced oxidation on silicon wafer solar cells' performance, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2016, 6(3): 617-623. (10.1109/JPHOTOV.2016.2535243)

6. Jin Y. J., Chen L. W., Wu M. X., Lu X. Z., Zhou R.*, and Hong M. H., Enhanced saturable absorption of graphene oxide film via photonic nanojets, Optical Materials Express, 2016, 6(4): 1114-1121. (10.1364/OME.6.001114)

5. Gu G. Q., Zhou R.*, Xu H. Y., Cai G. X., and Cai Z. P., Subsurface nano-imaging with self-assembled spherical cap optical nanoscopy, Optics Express, 2016, 24(5): 4937-4948. (10.1364/OE.24.004937)

4. Gu G. Q., Zhou R., Chen Z. C., Xu H. Y., Cai G. X., Cai Z. P.*, and Hong M. H., Super-long photonic nanojet generated from liquid-filled hollow microcylinder, Optics Letters, 2015, 40(4): 625-628. (10.1364/OL.40.000625)

3. Pan J. H., Han G., Zhou R., and Zhao X. S.*, Hierarchical N-doped TiO2 hollow microspheres consisting of nanothorns with exposed {001} facets, Chemical Communications, 2011, 47(24): 6942-6944.

2. Zhang L. L., Zhou R., and Zhao X. S.*, Graphene-based materials as supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20(29): 5983-5992.

1. Ji L. W., Lin Z., Zhou R., Shi Q., Toprakci O., Medford A., Millns C., and Zhang X. W.*, Formation and electrochemical performance of copper/carbon composite nanofibers, Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55(5): 1605–1611.


近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年科学基金项目,教育部产学研联合创新项目,省自然科学基金项目,省科技计划工业引导性重点项目以及嘉庚创新实验室重大项目等,参与科技部973项目、省高校产学合作科技重大项目以及省高新技术产业科技创新引领计划项目,共计20余项。申请了20余项专利(含1项国际专利PCT),已授权15项(成功转让3项)。中国光学学会光学制造专委会常务委员,第12届亚太近场光学(APNFO)国际学术会议大会主席,福建省级科技特派员和广东省企业科技特派员,入选福建省引进高层次人才、厦门市高层次留学人员、中国工程院与英国皇家工程院“创新领军人才联合培养项目(Leaders in Innovation Fellowship)”等人才计划,与新加坡国立大学洪明辉教授(新加坡工程院院士)联合开展国际科研合作和人才培养,筹建福建省精密制造业技术开发基地激光应用中心,作为主要骨干成员参与了厦门大学泉州先进制造技术协同创新中心和石狮智能制造工程中心的建设工作。

曾在新加坡国立大学工程学院、新加坡国家太阳能研究院、美国北卡州立大学工程学院以及英国伦敦大学玛丽女皇学院等多家科研机构从事项目管理、研发和教学工作,获新加坡教育部(Ministry of Education)、新加坡环境与水资源工业项目基金(Environment and Water Industry)、新加坡国家研究基金会(National Research Foundation)、牛顿基金(Newton Fund)以及联合国经济及社会理事会(ECOSOC)咨商地位(Consultative Status)机构爱因斯特(IAESTE)国际大学生技术经验交流项目的资助,从事光电与材料工程的应用基础研究和技术转化工作。曾挂任厦门大学国际合作与交流处副处长、厦门市发展和改革委员会(中共厦门市委军民融合办)项目专员以及厦门大学发展规划办公室副主任等职务,兼任厦门大学航空航天学院航空航天教育培训中心主任。


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