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[1] 陕西省电子学会自然科学二等奖(2/3)

[2] IEEE-NEMS 2021最佳展报提名奖

[3] 香港力学会优秀学术报告奖

[4] Applied Surface Science优秀审稿人(Elsevier


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上基金(62274140),主持【国家级】

[2] 机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室开放课题(No. MCMS-E-0422G03),面上项目,主持

[3] 中央高校基本科研业务费,主持【校级】

[4] 陕西省自然科学基金(No.2020JQ-295),主持【省级】

[5] 陕西省“QR计划”青年项目,主持【省级】

[6] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2020M673340),主持

[7] 国家自然科学基金青年基金(61904141),主持【国家级】


[1] 指导教师:陕西省“互联网+”创新创业大赛,铜奖,2020【省级】

[2] 指导教师:第十五届中国研究生电子设计竞赛全国总决赛三等奖,2020【国家级】

[3] 创新创业“先进个人”,2020【省级】


  1. 每年招收研究生2-3

  2. 欢迎机械工程、电子科学、电气工程背景的研究生加盟

  3. 欢迎本科生加入团队开展科创活动,包括:互联网+大赛、机器人大赛、创新创业大赛【每一届2-4名】



[1] Yuan Y, Chen H, Xu H, Jin Y, Chen G, Zheng W, Wang W*, Wang Y, Gao L*. Highly Sensitive and Wearable Bionic Piezoelectric Sensor for Human Respiratory Monitoring[J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2022: 113818.

[2] Xu H, Zheng W, Yuan Y, Wang W. *, Lu Y. *, Gao L*. Flexible Gas-permeable and Resilient Bowtie Antenna for Tensile-strain and Temperature Sensing[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022.

[3] Xu H, Zheng W, Wang Y, Xu D, Zhao N, Qin Y, Yuang Y, Fan Z, Nan X, Duan Q, Wang W. *, Lu Y. *, Gao L*. Flexible tensile strain-pressure sensor with an off-axis deformation-insensitivity[J]. Nano Energy, 2022: 107384.

[4] Gao L*, Zhao N, Xu H, Hu X, Xu D, Wang W*. Flexible Pressure Sensor With Wide Linear Sensing Range for Human-Machine Interaction[J]. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022.

[5] Qin Y, Xu H, Li S, Wang W, Gao L*. Dual-Mode Flexible Capacitive Sensor for Proximity-Tactile Interface and Wireless Perception[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22(11): 10446-10453.

[6] Xu D, Duan L, Yan S, Wang Y, Cao K*, Wang W*, Xu H, Wang Y, Hu L, Gao L*. Monolayer MoS2-Based Flexible and Highly Sensitive Pressure Sensor with Wide Sensing Range[J]. Micromachines, 2022, 13(5): 660.


[7] Xu H.#, Gao L.#,*, Zhao H.,…Wang W.*, Lu Y.*, Stretchable and Anti-Impact Iontronic Pressure Sensor with Ultrabroad-linear Range for Biophysical Monitoring and Deep Learning-aided Knee-Rehabilitation. Microsystems & Nanoengineering.2021.仪器仪表领域顶刊

[8] Moses O.Adetunji#, Gao L.#, Zhao H.#,*, Wang Z, Adam Mukhtar L., Sun Z., , ... & Lu Y.*, Yin Z.*, Yu X., 2D Materials Inks Toward Smart Flexible Electronics. Materials Today, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.mattod.2021.08.010

[9] Li X., Wang W., Wu L., Zhao H., Wang M., Wang, Y., ... & Gao L.*. Wearable, Self-cleaning, Wireless Integrated Tactile Sensory System with Superior Sensitivity. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2021, 113027.

[10] Gao L.*, Wang M., Wang W., Xu H., Wang Y., Zhao H., ... & Li L*. Highly Sensitive Pseudocapacitive Iontronic Pressure Sensor with Broad Sensing Range. Nano-micro letters, 2021, 13(1), 1-14.

[11] Xiao R., Li X., Jia H., Surjadi J. U., Li J., Lin W., Gao L.*, & Lu Y.* 3D printing of dual phase-strengthened microlattices for lightweight micro aerial vehicles. Materials & Design 2021206, 109767.

[12] Xiao R., Ding M., Wang Y., Gao L.*, Fan R., & Lu Y*. Stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing of carbon fiber-graphene oxide (CF-GO) reinforced polymer lattices. Nanotechnology, 2021, 32(23), 235702.

[13] Wang Y., Li X., Fan S., Feng X., Cao K., Ge Q., Gao L.* & Lu Y*. Three-Dimensional Stretchable Microelectronics by Projection Microstereolithography (PμSL). ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(7), 8901-8908.

[14] Gao L.*,#, Han Y.#, Surjadi J. U., Cao K., Zhou W., Xu H., ... & Espinosa H. D*. Magnetically induced micropillar arrays for an ultrasensitive flexible sensor with a wireless recharging system. Science China Materials, 20211-12.


[15] Wang Y.Zhou W.Cao K.Hu X.Gao L.* & Lu Y.* Architectured graphene and its composites: manufacturing and structural applications. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2020, 106177.

[16] Xu H.#Gao L.#,*Wang Y.Cao K.Hu X.Wang L., ... & Lu Y*. Flexible Waterproof Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors with Wide Linear Working Range Based on Conductive Fabrics. Nano-Micro Letters, 2020, 12(1), 1-13.

[17] Xiao R.Feng X.Fan R.Chen S.Song J.Gao L.* & Lu Y. *. 3D printing of titanium-coated gradient composite lattices for lightweight mandibular prosthesis. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2020, 108057.

[18] Gao L.*Cao K.Hu X.Xiao R.Gan B.Wang W.*Lu Y*. Nano Electromechanical Approach for Flexible Piezoresistive Sensor. Applied Materials Today2020, 18, 100475.

[19] Cao K.#, Yang H.#, Gao L.#, Han Y., Feng J., Yang H., ... & Lu Y.* In situ mechanical characterization of silver nanowire/graphene hybrids films for flexible electronics. International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials, 2020, 11(3), 265-276.


[20] Xue J.#Gao L.# ,*Hu X.#Cao K.Zhou W.Wang W.*Lu Y*. Stereolithographic 3D Printing-Based Hierarchically Cellular Lattices for High-Performance Quasi-Solid Supercapacitor. Nano-Micro Letters, 2019, 11 (1), 46.

[21] Sang X.Zhao M.Liu M.Zhu Y.Gao L.*Wang W.*Molecular Dynamics Study on Explosive Boiling of Ultra-Thin Liquid over Solid Substrate: Considering Interface Wettability of Argon/MoS2. Molecular Simulation, 2019, 45 (13), 9961003.

[22] Wang Y.#Gao L.#Fan S.Zhou W.Li X.Lu Y*. 3D Printed Micro-Mechanical Device (MMD) for in Situ Tensile Testing of Micro/Nanowires. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2019, 33, 100575.

[23] Gao L.*Fan R.Xiao R.Cao K.Li P.Wang W.*Lu Y.* NiO-Bridged MnCo-Hydroxides for Flexible High-Performance Fiber-Shaped Energy Storage Device. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 475, 10581064.

[24] Gao L.*Fan R.Zhou W.Hu X.Cao K.Wang W.*Lu Y.* Biomimetic and Radially Symmetric Graphene Aerogel for Flexible Electronics. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2019, 5 (12), 111.

[25] Gao L.*Wang Y.Hu X.Zhou W.Cao K.Wang Y.Wang W.*Lu Y*. Cellular Carbon-Film-Based Flexible Sensor and Waterproof Supercapacitors.  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11 (29), 2628826297.


[26] Song J.#Gao L.#Tao X.*Li L. Ultra-Flexible and Large-Area Textile-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerators with a Sandpaper-Induced Surface Microstructure. Materials, 2018, 11 (11), 2120.

[27] Gao L.Song, J.Surjadi, J. U.Cao K.Han Y.Sun D.Tao X.Lu Y*. Graphene-Bridged Multifunctional Flexible Fiber Supercapacitor with High Energy Density. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10 (34), 2859728607.

[28] Surjadi J.U.#Gao L.#Cao K.Fan R.Lu Y*. Mechanical Enhancement of Core-Shell Microlattices through High-Entropy Alloy Coating. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), 110.

[29] Gao L.Zhang H.Surjadi J. U.Li P.Han Y.Sun D.Lu Y*. Mechanically Stable Ternary Heterogeneous Electrodes for Energy Storage and Conversion. Nanoscale, 2018, 10 (5), 26132622.

[30] Song J.#Gao L.#Cao K.Zhang H.Xu S.Jiang C.Surjadi J. U.Xu Y.Lu Y*. Metal-Coated Hybrid Meso-Lattice Composites and Their Mechanical Characterizations. Composite Structures, 2018, 203, 750763.

[31] Gao L.#Song J.#Jiao Z.Liao W.Luan J.Surjadi J. U.Li J.Zhang H.Sun D.Liu, C. TLu Y.*. High-Entropy Alloy (HEA)-Coated Nanolattice Structures and Their Mechanical Properties. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2018, 20 (1), 1700625.


[32] Gao L.Cao K.Zhang H.Li P.Song J.Surjadi J. U.Li Y.Sun D.Lu Y*. Rationally Designed Nickel Oxide Ravines@iron Cobalt-Hydroxides with Largely Enhanced Capacitive Performance for Asymmetric Supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5 (32), 16944–16952.

[33] Gao L.Liao W.Zhang H.Surjadi J. U.Sun D.Lu Y*. Microstructure, Mechanical and Corrosion Behaviors of CoCrFeNiAl 0.3 High Entropy Alloy (HEA) Films. Coatings, 2017, 7 (10), 17. 中科院三区

[34] Gao L.Surjadi J. U.Cao K.Zhang H.Li P.Xu S.Jiang C.Song J.Sun D.Lu Y*. Flexible Fiber-Shaped Supercapacitor Based on Nickel-Cobalt Double Hydroxide and Pen Ink Electrodes on Metallized Carbon Fiber. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9 (6), 5409–5418.


[1] 高立波,王卫东,陆洋,朱应敏,张海燕,李喧. 一种无线驱动的高灵敏度柔性压力传感器及制备方法,中国,ZL202010832465.9 (授权)

[2] 高立波,王卫东,陆洋,朱应敏,张海燕,李思雨. 一种柔性电容式接近-触觉双模传感阵列及制备方法,中国,ZL202010833692.3 (授权)

[3] 高立波, 王卫东, 徐洪成, 郑维昊, 陆洋. 基于机械声学的无线全集成柔性可拉伸人工喉及制备方法,中国,2021111081337 (授权)

[4] 高立波,王卫东,徐丹丹,陈刚,段启凯. 基于激光雕刻的一体化全柔性离电式传感器及制备方法,中国,202111453188.1 (授理)

[5] 高立波,王卫东,赵宁娟,陆洋. 一种离电式柔性三轴力触觉传感器、制备及应用,中国,202111525793.5 (授理)

[6] 高立波,秦宇鑫,徐洪成,王卫东. 一种离电式无线无源柔性压力传感器制备及应用,202111528416.7 (授理)

[7] 高立波, 徐洪成, 王月皎, 袁炀博, 王卫东. 应变、温度及湿度互不敏感的可延展传感器的制备方法, 202210514136.9 (授理)

[8] 高立波, 徐洪成, 秦宇鑫, 郑维昊, 王卫东, 陆洋. 具有拉伸和温度感知的超薄透气柔性蝶形天线及制备方法, 2022102409116 (授理)

[9] Y Lu, S Fan, L Gao, YJ Wang. A Method of Constructing a Micromechanical Device. US Patent filed # 16/550, 495, 2019.


[1] 入选人才计划:厦门大学青年拔尖人才B类,陕西省“QR”计划青年项目

[2] 学会工作:中国微米纳米技术学会高级会员、中国电子学会高级会员、中国机械工程学会高级会员、IEEE会员

[3] 期刊工作:Rare Metals (SCI, 中科院二区)青年编委;Journal of Sensors(SCI)编辑部学术编辑;Frontiers in Materials(SCI)客座编辑;Micromachines(SCI)客座编辑、主题编辑;Electronics(SCI)客座编辑;Chemsensor评审委员会成员;《粉末冶金材料科学与工程》青年编委

[4] Materials Today、Materials Today Communications、Nano-Micro Letters、Nanoscale、Small、Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics、IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology、Sensors、ACS Applied Energy Materials、Applied Surface Science(优秀审稿人)、Materials and Design、Intermetallics、Composites Science&Technology、Energy Technology、Advanced Engineering Materials、Applied Composite Materials、Journal of Materials Research and Technology、Materials Characterization、RSC. Advance、Scientific Reports、Journal of Energy Storage、Journal of Sensors、Electronics、Materials、Chemosensor、Superlattices and Microstructures、Molecules、Biomolecules、Flexible and Printed Electronics、Micromachines、Applied Sciences、Materials Research Express、电子元件与材料、红外与激光工程等等期刊审稿人

[5] 评审工作:国家自然科学基金通信评审人、广东省科技厅科技咨询专家库成员、中国电子学会科学技术奖励评审专家



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