刘宇副教授 福建省高校新世纪优秀人才、厦门市高层次B类人才

邮 箱mseliuyu@xmu.edu.cn

地 址厦门大学翔安校区 航空航天大楼259


2000.09~2008.06 华中科技大学,硕博连读,获机械电子博士学位

1996.09~2000.07 天津大学,获机械电子和电子信息与技术双学士学位







[1] Yu Liu, Qingbiao SHI, Zhen Chen. Design and Gait Planning of a Worm-inspired Metameric Robot for Pipe Crawling. Journal of Bionic Engineering. 2024. DOI:10.1007/s42235-024-00497-4.

[2] Haiyan Zuo, Yaolong Yang, Dandan Zheng, Xiangfu Zhou, Lili Luo, Yu Liu, et al. Mussel-inspired hydrogels with UCST for temperature-controlled reversible adhesion. Gaint, 2023, 16: 100182.

[3] Junwen Huang, Yu Liu, Yuxin Yang; et al. Electrically programmable adhesive hydrogels for climbing robots. Science Robotics, 2021, 6(53): eabe1858.

[4] 刘宇, 皮兴来, 周志军. 一种双目视觉引导的工业机器人铣边方法. 航空制造技术, 2020, 63(9): 50-56.

[5] 刘宇, 龚集响, 皮兴来. 一种阵列式柔性夹具的工件定位方法. 机械科学与技术, 2020, 39(4):574-580.

[6] 刘宇, 张世超, 龚集响. 基于MATLAB与V-REP的机器人加工轨迹生成与运动仿真. 厦门大学学报(自然科学版) , 2018, 57(5): 715-721.

[7] 刘宇, 侯亮, 席文明. 一种基于能量函数和向量场的点集曲面构造方法. 机械工程学报, 2018, 54(5): 179-184.

[8] Yu Liu, Chao Li, Jixiang Gong. An object reconstruction method based on binocular stereo vision,10th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2017 ,10463 LNAI,486-495.

[9] Yu Liu. Robust segmentation of raw point clouds into consistent surfaces. Science China Technological Sciences, 2016, 59(8): 1156-1166.

[10] Yu Liu. Construction of point set surfaces through quadric polynomials. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand, 2014/4/13-2014/4/14, pp. 253-259.

[11] Yu Liu, Songtao Xia, and Xiaoping Qian. Direct numerical control (NC) path generation:from discrete points to continuous spline paths. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2012, 12(3): 031002-1-12.

[12] Yu Liu and Xiaoping Qian. Computing point-set surfaces with controlled spatial variation of residuals. Computer-Aided Design, 2011, 43(8): 957-970.
[13] Yu Liu and Youlun Xiong. Automatic segmentation of unorganized noisy point clouds based on the Gaussian map. Computer-Aided Design, 2008, 40(5): 576-594.

[14] Yu Liu, Zhouping Yin, and Youlun Xiong. Estimating curvatures and the Darboux frame from unorganized noisy point cloud. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2008, 33(1-2): 137-152.


(1)刘宇, 蓝伟, 石清标, 柯才焕. 一种起吊转运的三向稳定装置及养殖箱批量起吊系统: CN219194266U, 2023-06-16.

(2)刘宇, 蓝伟, 柯才焕. 一种轨距和轮压自适应的防啃轨行走装置: CN113200450B, 2022-06-07.

(3)刘宇, 蓝伟, 李鹏飞, 柯才焕. 一种框架式多层养殖箱及框架式多层鲍鱼养殖箱: CN113229192B, 2022-03-18.


(1)刘宇, 李鹏飞, 蓝伟, 石清标. 基于机器视觉与深度学习的缺陷检测系统V1.0. 2022SR1569839, 2022-11-30.

(2) 刘宇, 李鹏飞, 蓝伟. 基于ros的安川机器人运动控制软件V1.0. 2021SR0112448, 2020-10-15.

(3)刘宇, 皮兴来, 周志军. 基于Motocom32的安川机器人操作控制软件V1.0. 2019SR0798344, 2019-5-1.

(4)刘宇, 李超, 张世超, 龚集响. 基于立体匹配图像对的三维重建软件V1.0. 2017SR290069, 2016-11-10.

(5)刘宇, 李超, 常兵兵, 张世超. 双目视觉标定系统软件V1.0. 2016SR174027, 2016-03-20.









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