
邮 箱chenxinyi@xmu.edu.cn

地 址厦门大学翔安校区文宣楼B512室


在Appl Catal B, ACS Photonics, Solar Energy Mater & Solar Cells, Chem Mater, ACS Sensors, Appl Phys Lett, Nano Lett等学术期刊上发表多篇论文、综述及著作章节。主持与参与福建省科技项目、福建省自然科学基金、福建省发改委技术专项、国家自然科学基金等科研项目。主要承担课程有《半导体材料及缺陷》(本科)、《微纳材料现代分析技术》(研究生)等。












[1] Long D., Chen H. Y.*, Chen W. J., Cui J. Q., Lu M., Chen X. Y.* Surface chemical grafting of two-dimensional MoSxSey for the adsorption and activation of CO2 in visible-light photoreduction, Applied Surface Science 685, 162084 (2025).

[2] Chen H. Y., Wang L. H., Long D., Zeng Y. B., Jiang S. S., Chen W. J., Zhao C. Y., Cheng C., Chen Y. X., Lu M.*, Li S.*, Chen X. Y.* Advancing the ethanol pathway during the competitive photocatalytic CO2 reduction in a defective transition metal dichalcogenide, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental and Energy 357, 124260 (2024).

[3] Cheng C., Chen H. Y., Chen X. Y.*, Lu M.* A simultaneous calibration and detection strategy for electrochemical sensing with high accuracy in complex water, ACS Sensors 9, 3986 (2024).

[4] Liu P., Chen H. Y., Zhao C. Y., Long D., Chen W. J., Lu M.*, Chen X. Y.* A quadruple transition metal dichalcogenide for variously synergetic electron behaviors during photocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction, Applied Surface Science 659, 159887 (2024).

[5] Long D., Liu J., Chen H. Y., Liu P., Zheng K., Zeng Y. B., Chen X. Y.*, Li S.*, Lu M*. Electronegative diversity induced localized built-in electric field in a single phased MoSxSeyNz for selectivity-enhanced visible photocatalytic CO2 reduction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 330, 122625 (2023).

[6] Zhao D. S., Wang D. Y., Liu H. H., Zhang Y. L., Wang J. Q., Chen X. Y.*, Lu M.* Fast in-field determination of trace Fe ion in steam-water for safety management of thermal electric power plants, IEEE Sensors Journal 23, 12519 (2023).

[7] Xu A., Liu P., Chen H. Y., Long D., Lu M., Che X. Y.* A composite graphene aerogel for real-time degradation of low-concentration ozone: The synergetic effect of defects, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 107530 (2022).

[8] Wang Y. S., Liu H. W., Liu P., Lu W. L., Cui J. Q., Chen X. Y.*, Lu M*. Energy-efficient synaptic devices based on planar structured h-BN memristor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 909, 164775 (2022).

[9] Wang Y. S., Huang Z. F., Chen X. Y.*, Lu M.* Building resistive switching memory having super-steep switching slope with in-plane boron nitride, Nanotechnology 33, 125202 (2022).

[10] Long D., Liu J. Bai L., Yan L. F., Liu H. H., Feng Z. J., Zheng L. L., Chen X. Y.*, Li S.*, Lu M*. Continuously selective photocatalytic CO2 fixation via controllable S/Se Ratio in a TiO2-MoSxSey dual-excitation heterostructured nanotree, ACS Photonics 7, 3394−3400 (2020).

[11] Liu H. H., Xu A., Feng Z. J., Long D., Chen X. Y.*, Lu M. pH-dependent fluorescent quenching of graphene oxide quantum dots: Towards hydroxyl, Materials Science & Engineering B 260, 114627 (2020).

[12] Long D., Peng J., Li H. H., Feng Z. J., Chen L., Chen X. Y.*, Lu M*. Graphene oxide discarded solution for high surface area photocatalyst, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 209 (2020) 110446.

[13] Feng Z. Z., Huang C. H., Fu A., Chen L., Pei F., He Y. L., Fang X. L., Qu B. H., Chen X. Y.*, Ng A. M. C.*, Cui J. Q.*, A three-dimensional network of graphene/silicon/graphene sandwich sheets as anode for Li-ion battery, Thin Solid Films 693, 137702 (2020).

[14] Wang T., Ou D. H., Liu H. H., Jiang S. S., Huang W. Y., Fang X. L., Chen X. Y.*, Lu M*. Thermally conductive boron nitride nanosheet composite paper as a flexible printed circuit board, ACS Applied Nano Materials 1, 1705−1712 (2018).

[15] Guo H. C., Long D., Zheng Z. M., Chen X. Y.*, Ng A. M. C.*, Lu M. Defect-enhanced performance of a 3D graphene anode in a lithium-ion battery, Nanotechnology 28, 505402 (2017).

[16] Long D., Guo H. C., Cui J. Q., Chen X. Y.*, Lu M. Rapid etching of carbon fiber induced by noble metal nanoparticles, Materials Letters 197, 45–47 (2017).

[17] Wang T., Guo H. C., Chen X. Y.*, Lu M.* Low-temperature thermal reduction of suspended graphene oxide film for electrical sensing of DNA-hybridization, Materials Science and Engineering C, 72, 62–68 (2017).

[18] Chen X. Y.*, Guo H. C., Wang T., Lu M.*, Wang T. H. In-situ fabrication of reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/ZnO heterostructure: surface functional groups induced electrical properties, Electrochimica Acta 196, 558 (2016).

[19] Li Y. F., Lin B. C., Ge L. K., Guo H. C., Chen X. Y.*, Lu M.* Real-time spectroscopic monitoring of photocatalytic activity promoted by graphene in a microfluidic reactor, Scientific Reports 6, 28803 (2016).

[20] Chen X. Y.*, Ng A. M. C., Djurišić A. B.*, Ling C. C., Chan W. K., Fong W. K., Lui H. F., Surya C., Cheng C. C. W., and Kwok W. M. GaN/MgO/ZnO heterojunction light-emitting diodes, Thin Solid Film 527(1), 303-307 (2013).

[21] Chen X. Y., Ng A. M. C., Djurišić A. B.*, Ling C. C., Chan W. K. Hydrothermal treatment of ZnO nanostructures, Thin Solid Films 520(7), 2656-2662 (2012).

[22] Chen X. Y., Fang F., Ng A. M. C., Djurišić A. B.*, Cheah K. W., Ling C. C., Chan W. K., Fong P. W. K., Lui H. F., and Surya C. Nitrogen doped-ZnO/n-GaN heterojunctions, Journal of Applied Physics 109(8), 084330 (2011).

[23] Chen X. Y., Ng A. M. C., Fang F., Ng Y. H., Djurišić A. B.*, Tam H. L., Cheah K. W., Gwo S., Chan W. K., Fong P. W. K., Lui H. F., and Surya C. ZnO nanorod/GaN light-emitting diodes: The origin of yellow and violet emission bands under reverse and forward bias, Journal of Applied Physics 110(9), 094513 (2011).

[24] Chen X. Y., Fang F., Ng, A. M. C., Djurišić A. B.*, Chan, W. K., Lui, H. F., Fong P. W. K., Surya C., and Cheah K. W. Effect of doping precursors on the optical properties of Ce-doped ZnO nanorods, Thin Solid Films 520(3), 1125–1130 (2011).

[25] Chen X. Y., Ng A. M. C., Fang F., Djurišić A. B.*, Chan W. K., Tam H. L., Cheah K. W., Fong P. W. K., Lui H. F., and Surya C. The Influence of the ZnO seed layer on the ZnO nanorod/GaN LEDs, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157(3), H308–H311 (2010).

[26] Chen X. Y., Fang F., Ng A. M. C., Djurišić A. B.*, and Tong S. Y., Growth of triangular ZnO nanorods by electrodeposition, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157(12), K269–K272 (2010).

[27] Chen X. Y., Yip C. T., Fung M. K., Djurišić A. B.*, and Chan W. K. GaN-nanowire-based dye-sensitized solar cells, Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing 100(1), 15–19 (2010).

[28] Chen X. Y., Cui H., Liu P., Yang G. W.* Double-layer hexagonal Fe nanocrystals and magnetism, Chemistry of Materials 20(5), 2035-2038 (2008).

[29] Chen X. Y., Cui H., Liu P., Yang G. W.* Shape-induced ultraviolet absorption of CuO shuttlelike nanoparticles, Applied Physics Letters 90(18), 183118 (2007).

[30] Liu P. Cao Y. L., Wang C. X., Chen X. Y., Yang G. W.* Micro- and nanocubes of carbon with C(8)-like and blue luminescence, Nano Letters 8(8), 2570-2575 (2008).

[31] Yang Y. H., Chen X. Y., Feng Y., Yang G. W.* Physical mechanism of blue-shift of UV luminescence of a single pencil-like ZnO nanowire, Nano Letters 7(12), 3879-3883 (2007).


Djurišić A. B., Chen X. Y., Leung Y. H. and Ng A. M. C., ZnO nanostructures: growth, properties and applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(14), 6526-6535 (2012).

Djurišić A. B., Chen X. Y., and Leung Y. H., Recent progress in hydrothermal synthesis of oxide materials, Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 6(2), 124-134 (2012).

Djurišić A. B., Ng A. M. C., and Chen X. Y., ZnO nanostructures for optoelectronics: Material properties and device applications, Progress in Quantum Electronics, 34(4), 191-259 (2010).


一种氧化石墨烯反应原浆连续过滤提纯装置, ZL 201710362794 .X.

一种石墨增强的热塑型导热塑料的制备方法, ZL 201811231357 .5.




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