方宁双聘教授 博士生导师

邮 箱nfang@xmu.edu.cn

地 址厦门大学


本科, 厦门大学  (1998)
博士, 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学 (2006)
博士后, 美国能源部埃姆斯国家实验室及爱荷华州立大学 (2006-2008)
助理教授, 美国爱荷华州立大学 (2008-2015)
副教授, 美国佐治亚州立大学 (2015-2021)
教授, 美国佐治亚州立大学 (2021)
特聘教授, 厦门大学 (2021-)



从事化学及生物光学成像技术开发, 并依托这些开创性的工具在纳米材料、催化、以及生物物理等领域开展单分子、单颗粒级别研究工作。

  • 光学成像仪器开发: 专注于在化学、物理、生物、材料等多学科交叉前沿开发光学成像仪器以研究不同体系中的动态过程。

  • 单颗粒旋转追踪技术及分子马达的生物物理研究: 一个细胞可被视为许多分子马达(molecular motor)在多层面上协同工作的工厂。充分理解这些纳米级的分子机器的工作机制要求我们获取相关的平移和旋转动力学知识。方宁教授开创了单颗粒旋转追踪技术(Single Particle Orientation and Rotational Tracking, SPORT)以追踪金纳米棒的旋转运动,并取得了极高的空间、时间与角度的分辨率。运用SPORT技术,我们正在研究细胞对纳米颗粒的吞噬以及细胞内的物质运输过程,这些现象对于理解药物递送和病毒感染是至关重要的。

  • 单分子化学成像: 对单个活性催化位点在反应过程的实时成像是研究催化的最新最前沿的方法。多样化的纳米颗粒合成结合超分辨率荧光显微镜以及高灵敏度的单分子追踪是实现这一方法的根本。这一研究可以揭示最根本的催化反应机理,并指导催化剂设计。多孔材料催化剂上的纳米限域效应以及二维材料活性位化学动力学表征及相关反应机理是我们目前的研究重心。



1. Dong, B.; Pei, Y.; Zhao, F.; Goh, T.W.; Qi, Z.; Xiao, C.; Chen, K.; Huang, W.*; Fang, N.* In situ Quantitative Single-molecule Study of Dynamic Catalytic Processes in Nanoconfinement. Nature Catalysis, 1, 135-140, doi: 10.1038/s41929-017-0021-1 (2018).

2. Dong, B.; Pei, Y.; Mansour, N.; Lu, X.; Yang, K.; Huang, W.*; Fang, N.* Deciphering Nanoconfinement Effects on Molecular Orientation and Reaction Intermediate by Single Molecule Imaging. Nature Communications, 10, 4815, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12799-x (2019).

3. Dong, B.; Mansour, N.; Pei, Y.; Wang, Z.; Fibrun, S.L.; Chen, M.; Cheng, X.; Pruski, M.; Huang, W.*; Fang, N.* Single Molecule Investigation of Nanoconfinement Hydrophobicity in Heterogeneous Catalysis. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142, 31, 13305-13309 (2020).

4. Chen, T.; Dong, B.; Chen, K.; Zhao, F.; Lee, S.; Zhang, P.; Kang, S.H.; Ha, J.W.; Xu, W.*; Fang, N.* Optical Super-Resolution Imaging of Surface Reactions. (Invited review)  Chemical Reviews, 117 (11), 7510-7537 (2017).

5. Han, R.; Ha, J.W.; Xiao, C.; Pei, Y.; Qi, Z.; Dong, B.; Bormann, N.L.; Huang, W.*; Fang, N.* Geometry-assisted 3D Super-localization Imaging of Single Molecule Catalysis on Modular Multilayer Nanocatalysts. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53(47), 12865-1286 (2014).

6. Ha, J.W.; Ruberu, T.P.A.; Han, R.; Dong, B.; Vela, J.*; Fang, N.* Super-resolution Mapping of Photo-generated Electron and Hole Separation in Single Metal-Semiconductor Nanocatalysts.  Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136(4), 1398-1408 (2014).


1. Cheng, X.; Chen, K.; Dong, B.; Yang, M.; Filbrun, S.L.; Myoung, Y.; Huang, T.X.; Gu, Y.; Wang, G.; Fang, N.* Dynamin-dependent Vesicle Twist at the Final Stage of Clathrin-mediated Endocytosis. Nature Cell Biology  (2021).

2. Cheng, X.; Chen, K.; Dong, B.; Filbrun, S.L.; Wang, G.; Fang, N.* Resolving Cargo-motor-track Interactions in Living Cells with Bifocal Parallax Single Particle Tracking. Biophysical Journal, 120, 8, 1378-1386 (2021).

New and Notable by Yale E. Goldman: Biophysical Journal, 120, 8, 1306-1308 (2021).

3. Chen, K.; Gu, Y.; Sun, W.; Wang, G.; Fan, X.; Xia, T.; Fang, N.* Distinct Rotational Behaviors of Cargo Revealed by Automated Five-Dimensional Single Particle Tracking. Nature Communications, 8, 887, doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01001-9 (2017).

4. Ali, M.R.K.; Wu, Y.; Tang, Y.; Xiao, H.; Chen, K.; Han, T.; Fang, N.*; Wu, R.*; El-Sayed, M.A.* Targeting Cancer Cell Integrins Using Gold Nanorods in Photothermal Therapy Inhibits Migration through Affecting Cytoskeletal Proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 28, E5655–E5663 (2017).

5. Stender, A.S.; Marchuk, K.; Liu, C.; Sander, S.; Meyer, M.W.; Smith, E.A.; Neupane, B.; Wang, G.; Li, J.; Cheng, J.X.; Huang, B.; Fang, N.* Single Cell Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy. Chemical Reviews, 113(4), 2469-2527 (2013).

6. Gu, Y. §; Sun, W. §; Wang, G.; Jeftinija, K.; Jeftinija S.; Fang, N.* Rotational Dynamics of Cargos at Pauses during Axonal Transport. Nature Communications, 3:1030, doi: 10.1038/ncomms2037 (2012).

7. Marchuk, Kyle, et al. "High-precision tracking with non-blinking quantum dots resolves nanoscale vertical displacement." Journal of the American Chemical Society 134.14 (2012): 6108-6111.

8. Gu, Y.; Sun, W.; Wang, G.; Fang, N.* Single Particle Orientation and Rotation Tracking Discloses Distinctive Rotational Dynamics of Drug Delivery Vectors on Live Cell Membranes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(15), 5720-5723 (2011).

9. Wang, G.§; Sun, W.§; Luo, Y.; Fang, N.* Resolving Rotational Motions of Nano-objects in Engineered Environments and Live Cells with Gold Nanorod Probes and Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy. (Highlighted by Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(46), 16417-16422 (2010).

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