洪明辉教授 博士生导师

邮 箱elehmh@xmu.edu.cn

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主要研究方向为激光微纳加工及检测技术研究,在激光微制造、激光清洗、激光焊接及光学检测等领域开展国际领先水平的研究工作。目前已在包括Nature、Nature Nanotechnology、Science Advances、Nature Communications等在内的国际一流学术刊物发表论文500余篇,合著学术专著15部,拥有中国、新加坡、美国以及德国等国专利42项。担任《Opto-Electronic Advances》、《Opto-Electronic Science》和《光电工程》的执行主编,《中南大学学报(英文版)》副主编,Science子刊《Ultrafast Science》顾问,Nature子刊《Light: Science & Applications》、中国工程院院刊《Engineering》、《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学》、《物理》和《Laser Micro/nanoengineering》编委。


【1】Liu H., Xie L., Lin W*, Hong M.*, Optical quality laser polishing of CVD diamond by UV pulsed laser irradiation, Adv. Optical Mater. 9(21): 2100537 (2021).

【2】Zhao Y; Su Y; Hou X; Hong M*, Directional sliding of water: Biomimetic snake scale surfaces. Opto-Electronic Advances 4, 210008 (2021).

【3】Lin Z; Liu H; Ji L*; Lin W; Hong M*, Realization of similar to 10 nm features on semiconductor surfaces via femtosecond laser direct patterning in far field and in ambient air, Nano Letters 20(7): 4947-4952 (2020).

【4】Li, Y., Hong, M.*, Parallel laser micro/nano-processing for functional device fabrication. Laser & Photonics Reviews 14(3), 1900062 (2020).

【5】Gao, H, Wang, YX, Fan, XH, Jiao, BZ, Li, TG, Shang, CL, Zeng, C, Deng, LM, Xiong, W*, Xia, JS*, Hong, MH, Dynamic 3D meta-holography in visible range with large frame number and high frame rate, Science Advances 6(28): eaba8595 (2020).

【6】Liu H; Lin W*; Lin Z; Ji L; Hong M*, Self-organized periodic microholes array formation on aluminum surface via femtosecond laser ablation induced incubation effect, Advanced Functional Materials 29(42): 1903576 (2019).

【7】Liu, H., Lin, W.* & Hong, M.*, Hybrid laser precision engineering of transparent hard materials: challenges, solutions and applications. Light Sci Appl 10, 162 (2021).

【8】Chen LW; Yin YM; Li Y; Hong MH*, Multifunctional inverse sensing by spatial distribution characterization of scattering photons Opto-Electronic Advances 2(9): 190019, 1-8 (2019).

【9】Chen, L., Zhou, Y., Li, Y., Hong, M.*, Microsphere enhanced optical imaging and patterning: From physics to applications. Applied Physics Reviews 6, 021304 (2019).

【10】Luo X*; Tsai D*; Gu M*; Hong M*, Extraordinary optical fields in nanostructures: from sub-diffraction-limited optics to sensing and energy conversion, Chemical Society Reviews 48(8): 2458-2494 (2019).

【11】Xu K; Zhou R; Takei K*; Hong M*, Toward flexible surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensors for point-of-care diagnostics Advanced Science 6(16): 1900925 (2019)

【12】Luo X*; Tsai D*; Gu M*; Hong M*, Subwavelength interference of light on structured surfaces,Advances in Optics and Photonics, 10(4): 757-842 (2018).

【13】Qin, F., Huang, K., Wu, J., Teng, J., Qiu, C.-W., Hong, M.*, A supercritical lens optical label-free microscopy: Sub-diffraction resolution and ultra-long working distance. Advanced Materials 29, 1602721 (2017).

【14】Li, X., Chen, L., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Pu, M., Zhao, Z., Ma, X., Wang, Y., Hong, M.*, Luo, X.*, Multicolor 3D meta-holography by broadband plasmonic modulation. Science Advances 2, e1601102 (2016).

【15】Deng, R., Qin, F., Chen, R., Huang, W.*, Hong, M.*, Liu, X.*, Temporal full-colour tuning through non-steady-state upconversion. Nature Nanotechnology 10, 237-242 (2015).


【1】Membrane for Retaining a Mircosphere

【2】Tissue Scaffold Device and Method for Fabricating Thereof


【4】Flexible surface plasmon resonance film


【1】Seeing is believing: from Microscope to Nanoscope 东盟杰出工程成就奖(ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Awards)

【2】Seeing is believing: from Microscope to Nanoscope 新加坡工程师学会“权威工程成就奖”(IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award)


【1】 Development of Super-resolution and High-sensitivity Optical Nanoscopes国家级(NRF CRP),新加坡国家研究基金会

【2】 Manufacturing of atmospheric water and antiviral air delivery system 国家级(NRF Central Gap),新加坡国家研究基金会

【3】Light Manipulation through Engineered Micro-optics for New Era Optical Engineering 部委级,新加坡教育部

【4】Surgical Photoacoustic Nanotechnology: Hand-held Real-time Photoacoustic (HARP) System 国家级,新加坡国家研究基金会

【5】Next Generation Hyper-Personalisation Line (NGHP) 部委级,新加坡科技局(A*STAR)

【6】Hybrid and Cold Laser Manufacturing of Functional Micro/nanostructures on High-hardness Transparent Substrates 部委级,新加坡科技局(A*STAR)

【7】Development of Portable Integrated Laser Ultrasonic Detection System for Offshore Structural Real-Time Health Screening 部委级,新加坡海事研究机构

【8】Lab-on-a-chip Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Sensor 部委级,新加坡科技局(A*STAR)

【9】Development of Microsphere Confocal Microscope for Enhanced Resolution in Surface Imaging 国家级,新加坡国家研究基金会

【10】A Smarter User-friendly and Portable Perimetry Device 部委级,新加坡教育部

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